Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Physicians Blogs

Here's an interesting article on Physician's blogs from Kim Painter at USAToday. An increasing number of physicians are blogging about their day to day experiences, which can make for very compelling reading. The article raises valid questions about patient privacy, and accuracy of information (for those blogs which are heavily fictionalized) and ends with the conclusion that the most interesting opportunity is for readers to "know more about the mind-sets" of doctors. I couldn't agree more. I'm married to a pediatrician and I'm constantly reminded that medicine is as much an art as a science. People today have to take a greater responsibility for their own health than ever before - from a fiscal standpoint, from a preventive standpoint, from an ethical standpoint. Managing this kind of responsibility requires that patients enter into dialogs with their care providers, and mutual understanding is at the core of any dialog.

And check out www.medlogs.com for a collection of medical blogs.

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